
General Announcements:

Middle School Forensics: Forms are available to print from the homework calendar or you can pick one up from Mrs. Huth.  Please have your form returned to Mrs. Huth by tomorrow if you would like to join.

Scholastic Book Orders: Forms can be picked up by Mrs. Sandberg and orders are due tomorrow.  Please make checks payable to Mondovi Schools or use online code K2BR2.

MAA 5th thru 8th Grade Girls Basketball Registration: Open now through Sunday.  Go to www.mondoviathletics.org and follow the link!  Any questions? Contact Kari Guth @ mondoviathletics@gmail.com

Summer Reading Celebration: Monday.  If you turned in your summer reading log by September 13th, an invite will be sent to your email next week with details regarding the celebration.

8th grade Quiz Bowl Team: Students should be sure they are reviewing the QB study booklet.  Practice sessions with Mrs. Isaacson will take place during HR in the Community Conference Room on the following dates: October 3rd, October 10th, October 24th, October 31st & November 7th.  You must prepare and attend all practice sessions to attend the tournament on November 12th. 

Mondovi Vex Robotics: Pick up an application if you are interested in applying for/being considered for one of the 5 spots on the Vex Robotic team coached by Mr. Lehman & Mr. McCabe. The application must be completed and returned to the office by Friday, October 4th.  Open to all middle school students as well as 5th graders.  For those that had already picked up an application: The December 9th tournament date has been changed to December 14th.  

Destination Imagination: Pick up an application if you are interested in applying/being considered for one of the seven spots on the Destination Imagination team coached by Josh Close.  Pick up and return the completed application to the office; they are due back to the office by Friday, October 4th.  Open to students in 6th-8th grades.  

Oktoberfest Turkey Call Competition:  Anyone interested in participating in the Youth and Adult Turkey Call Competition on October 12th at 10:00am should pick up information in the office.

Picture Retakes: Scheduled for October 17th.

Buffalo County Student Flu Shot Clinic: Thursday, October 24, 2019, 7:00-10:00 am, in the small gym.  To receive the seasonal flu vaccine, please complete the consent form and return it to Sue Poeschel, School Nurse, by October 17th.  Students will not be vaccinated without parent consent.  Consent forms can be found on the school website under Health News or in the MS/HS office.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.