
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

2021 Washington DC Tour: All 8th & 9th graders registered for the Washington, DC tour for this coming June, please meet in the Buffalo Lobby (by the Multi) 8th period TODAY.  If you know you can't make it, please see Mrs. Rzepiejewski beforehand.  

MS Yearbooks: Order your yearbook by April 12th!  They are $15.00.  Use the order form you received during in MSR, order online at https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/mondovi-middle-high-school/middle-school-yearbook-6-8-grade-only/access 

or see Ms. Helbing.

8th Grade Quiz Bowl: The Quiz Bowl meet has been changed to April 13th. Be sure to prepare using the Quiz Bowl resources provided-check Quiz Bowl Classroom for details.

2022 Washington DC Tour: Registration for the 2022 Washington, DC Tour is due April 30th.  Registering takes place online with Brightspark Travel.  If you need information about the tour, see Mrs. Rzepiejewski.