
General Announcements:

Sofia Sandberg, Zoe Schmidtknecht, Ryan Feuling & Savannah Hjort: Please bring your lunch to Mrs. Berger's room TODAY during lunch to go over student council information. Please bring your cell phones if you have one.

6th and 7th graders registered for the 2020 Washington, DC Tour: Meet with Mrs. Rzepiejewski TODAY in the IMC during Homeroom to discuss the Butter Braids fundraiser.  

MS Track: The track meet for TODAY has been CANCELLED.  There will be no MS practice tonight.  

Equestrian Team Informational Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 pm in the MS/HS IMC. Come find out about joining the team. Interested students must attend with parent(s)/guardian(s).  Hope to see you there!

AG & Rural Safety Day 2019: June 20th, 8:30-11:30am at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Mondovi.  This event is for students in grades K-8. Register at http://buffalo.extension.wisc.edu/safetyday by June 7th.  Please note: Students already in Mondovi summer school do not need to register as they will participate as part of their regularly schedule daily activities.  

HS Student Council: The results are in and it was a very close race!  Congratulations to the following 8th graders elected to the HS student council: Savannah Hjort, Zoe Schmidtknecht, Sofia Sandberg, and Ryan Feuling.  If you were not elected, remember you can still join as a Special Member!