
WIN 1 Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your WIN 1 before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, December 12th: Any students interested in Spanish Club should meet in room 207.

Friday, December 13th: Yearbook picture for the “13 Year” Club (Seniors who have attended Mondovi from Kindergarten-Senior Year).

Wednesday, December 18th: Full council student council meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.

Thursday, December 19th: HS locker clean-out.  Report to WIN for attendance.

Tuesday, January 7th: FFA group photo in Ms. White’s room.  Wear an FFA shirt and jeans.

Wednesday, January 8th: Prom planning meeting in Ms. White’s room.

General Announcements:

FFA Fruit Sales: Students who sold fruit need to check their email ASAP.  You will need to SIGN UP TO PICK UP YOUR FRUIT next week Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  Please DO NOT plan to just stop in to pick up your orders.  

Holiday Movie selection: Next Friday, from 1:20-3:29, HS students will watch a holiday movie of their choice to kick off Christmas vacation!   Please check your email and make your movie selection using the Google Doc shared with you. Choices must be made by next TUESDAY. Seating is limited in each room, so the sooner you choose, the better!

Holiday Locker Decorating: If you would like to decorate your locker, please sign-up by December 18th on the form located on the Student Council Bulletin board.  Dates and other information are also on the form. See Mrs. Berger with questions.

Sophomores with Lockers in the Ag Hallway: You will be getting new lockers over the Holiday Break!  Please be sure you have taken EVERYTHING out of your current locker BEFORE BREAK or we can’t guarantee where it will end up.  :) If you choose to do so, you will be able to store your textbooks in the IMC rather than taking them home with you.

Seniors:  Please check your email and fill out the form regarding Senior Future Plans from Mrs. Fath.  We are working on this yearbook page and hope to have it ready to submit by January. You can still change this if your future plans change before it is submitted.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.