
Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your Buffalo Time before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, January 11th: Junior class officer meeting in Mrs. Flaherty’s room.

Thursday, January 11th: FFA meeting in the Ag room.

Friday, January 12th: Academic Pep Assembly in the large gym.

Tuesday, January 16th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.

Wednesday, January 17th: Cadaver Lab field trip meeting in Mrs. Jardine’s room.

Thursday, January 18th: All students who are History Club officers, or who are interested in helping plan the History Club annual field trip, are welcome to attend a meeting in Mrs. Flaherty's room.

General Announcements:

After announcements TODAY, please complete the emailed survey from Mrs. Hass before you leave your Buffalo Time.  This is to determine the activities that will be offered during Winter Carnival.

FCCLA Meeting: TODAY, during lunch, in Mrs. Bauer’s room.

Speed School: Mondays & Thursdays, 3:25-3:55pm, in the Multi Lobby.  Speed School is an acceleration, power and top speed based training opportunity for all athletes not in a winter sport.  See Coach McGuire with any questions.

FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $1.00 Friday during WIN.  There will also be an open gym for Sophomores.  Students should report to their classrooms for attendance before going to the lobby.

Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found items by the weight room.  Anything not claimed by Friday will be donated.

Teen Court: Any freshman or sophomore interested in being a Buffalo/Pepin County Teen Court panelist, please see Mr. Gray before the end of this week.