
Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your Buffalo Time before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, March 7th: Mandatory meeting in the Band room for all who signed up for the Mens’ Golf team.

Monday, March 11th: Prom Committee meeting in the Multi Lobby (rescheduled from March 7th).

Tuesday, March 12th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.

Wednesday, March 13th: Any high school students that are interested in determining the 2026 European adventure should report to Mrs. Flaherty's room (#208). Please bring your phone and a sense of adventure!

Friday, March 15th: Jostens meeting in the IMC for Junior class officers and with Seniors for the delivery of graduation items.

General Announcements:

FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $1.00 Friday during WIN. There will also be an open gym for Freshmen and Seniors. Students should report to their classrooms for attendance before going to the lobby.

Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found items on the table by the weight room. Items not claimed will be donated after school Friday.

Miss Mondovi Contestants: The first planning meeting is Wednesday at 5:30 at the Marten Center. If you cannot make it, please see or email Mrs. Berger. If anyone missed the informational meeting and did not sign up to run, just see Mrs. Berger.