
Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your Buffalo Time before reporting to meetings)

Monday, March 11th: Prom Committee meeting in the Multi Lobby.

Tuesday, March 12th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.

Wednesday, March 13th: Any high school students that are interested in determining the 2026 European adventure should report to Mrs. Flaherty's room (#208). Please bring your phone and a sense of adventure!

Friday, March 15th: Jostens meeting in the IMC for Junior class officers and with Seniors for the delivery of graduation items.

General Announcements:

FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $1.00 TODAY during WIN. There will also be an open gym for Freshmen and Seniors. Students should report to their classrooms for attendance before going to the lobby.

Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found items on the table by the weight room. Items not claimed will be donated after school TODAY.

Miss Mondovi Contestants: The first planning meeting is Wednesday at 5:30 at the Marten Center. If you cannot make it, please see or email Mrs. Berger. If anyone missed the informational meeting and did not sign up to run, see Mrs. Berger.