
Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Monday, April 19th (HR 2): Senior Seminar activity.  All seniors should plan to bring their chromebooks to their homerooms.

Friday, April 23rd (HR 2): Student council blood drive and MADW committee meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.

Monday, April 26th (HR 2): Student council committee meetings in Mrs. Berger’s room.

Wednesday, April 28th (HR 2): Student council committee meetings in Mrs. Berger’s room.

General Announcements:

Junior Prom Court: Voting has started!  Juniors should check their emails for a Google form that can be filled out.

FUTP60 Meetings: Every MONDAY during WIN.  Please report to the Fuel Up Cafe area after 8th hour attendance is taken.