Instructional Staff vacancies are posted in WECAN. Current openings are Elementary Art Teacher, Anthony Acres Teacher, Elementary Special Education Teacher.

Food Service Director vacancy - contact Superintendent Jeff Rykal at 715-926-3684 if interested.

Several Coaching vacancies are available.  Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Randy Pongratz, Activities Director, at rpongratz@mondovi.k12.wi.us or call 715-926-3656, ext. 1356 for more details. 

Bus Drivers Needed

Substitutes and AM-PM Route Driver

Please contact Shelly Teigen at 715-926-3684, option 2 or steigen@mondovi.k12.wi.us if interested.

Substitute Food Service Personnel
Interested applicants should contact Robin Becker , 715-926-3684, ext. 1363